Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – September 04-05, 2022 [Mock Test]
September 6, 2022 September 7, 2022

1. Which of the following are related to European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)?
- The Higgs boson
- The Large Hadron Collidor
- The birth of the web
- Antimatter
- Compact Muon Solenoid
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 1, 2 & 3
[C] Only 1, 2, 4 & 5
[D] 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
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Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3, 4 & 5]
Notes:- European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) is the world’s largest nuclear and particle physics laboratory. CERN is based in Geneva on the French-Swiss border. It has 23 member states. CERN’s mission is to provide a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge and to perform world-class research in fundamental physics.
- Key achievements of CERN: The Higgs boson, The W boson, The Z boson, The Large Hadron Collider, The Birth of the web, Antimatter.
- India in 2016 became an associate member of the CERN.
- ATLAS and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) are two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). They investigate a wide range of physics, from the search for the Higgs boson to extra dimensions and particles that could make up dark matter.
2. With respect to the Gaia astronomical mission, consider the following statements:
- It was launched by Chinese National Space Administration.
- Its objective is to create 3D map of the Milky Way.
- It has revealed the phenomena of ‘starquakes’.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 3
[C] Only 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: C [Only 2 & 3]
Notes:- Gaia is an ongoing astronomical observatory mission launched in December 2013 by the European Space Agency (ESA).
- Its objective is to create the most accurate and complete 3D map of the Milky Way by surveying 1% or one billion of the galaxy’s 100 billion stars.
- The spacecraft is strategically stationed 1.5 million km from the Earth, in the opposite direction of the sun, in an orbit around the gravitational parking point in space called the Lagrange 2 or L2.
- It has revealed the surprise phenomena of ‘starquakes’—massive tsunami-like movements on the surface of stars
- It also made discoveries about binary star systems, quasars, asteroids, and exoplanets.
3. Consider the following pairs:
Countries – Aircraft carriers
- US – Nimitz class
- Russia – Admiral Kuznetsov
- India – INS Vikramaditya
- France – Charles De Gaulle
How many pairs given above is/are matched correctly?
[A] Only 1 pair
[B] Only 2 pairs
[C] Only 3 pairs
[D] Only 4 pairs
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Correct Answer: D [Only 4 pairs]
Notes:- Thirteen navies across the world now operate aircraft carriers: Nimitz Class, US; Gerald R Ford Class, US; Queen Elizabeth Class, UK; Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia; Liaoning, China; INS Vikramaditya, India; Charles De Gaulle, France; Cavour, Italy; Juan Carlos I, Spain; USS America, US
- INS Vikrant is the first ever aircraft carrier to be indigenously designed and constructed by India.