World History MCQs

World History Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQs) on Ancient World History, Medieval World History and Modern World History for various UPSC, PCS and other Competitive Examinations.

1. The ‘ziggurats’ in Sumerian Civilization refers to which of the following?

[A] Prison
[B] Meeting hall
[C] Schools
[D] Temples

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2. Who built the hanging gardens of Babylon?

[A] TiglathPilesar III
[B] Shalmaneser IV
[C] Assurbanipal
[D] Nebuchadnezzar

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3. Which of the following region came to be known as ‘Magna Grecia’ or Greater Greece?

[A] Arabian
[B] Persian
[C] Mediterranean
[D] None of the above

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4. Which of the following codified laws of the Greeks?

[A] Draco
[B] Solon
[C] Pisistratus
[D] Cleisthenes

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5. Which of the following compiled ‘Encyclopedia of Astronomy’?

[A] Cloudius Ptolemy
[B] Galen
[C] Celsus
[D] Pliny

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6. Which of the following was the name of the river on which Rome was founded?

[A] Rubicon
[B] Forum
[C] Romulus
[D] Tiber

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7. Which of the following ransacked Rome 455 A.D.?

[A] Huns
[B] Vandals
[C] Visigoths
[D] Byzantines

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8. Which of the following Apostles did not know Jesus during his ministry and before his Crucifixion?

[A] Paul
[B] Andrew
[C] Peter
[D] Matthew

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9. Which of the following succeeded Abu Bakr?

[A] Ali
[B] Husayn
[C] Omar
[D] None of the above

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10. Power and position in society was based on which of the following during the feudal period in Europe?

[A] Level of education
[B] Number of slaves
[C] Amount of land possessed
[D] Amount of money earned

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