IIT Kharagpur

Tamper-proof Signalling System

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, is making significant strides in ensuring the safety and efficiency of train operations for the Indian Railways. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, researchers from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) stream are ..



Drone-based Mineral Exploration

India’s largest iron ore producer, National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Ltd, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with IIT Kharagpur for the purpose of drone-based mineral exploration. Overview: Drone-based Geophysical Surveys and Hyperspectral Studies for Mineral Exploration would be ..



Bipyrazole Organic Crystals

Researchers who are working at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata in association with IIT Kharagpur have developed self-repairing piezoelectric molecular crystals. These crystals are called bipyrazole organic crystals. Usage of Bipyrazole Organic Crystals When it ..


IIT-Kharagpur develops Early Cyclone Detection Technique

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur have developed an early cyclone detection technique which will help in early detection of development or strengthening of tropical cyclones in North Indian Ocean region. About Cyclone Detection Technique IIT developed this technique using ..


COVIRAP Technology

The IIT Kharagpur has successfully commercialised the healthcare product COVIRAP. What is COVIRAP? COVIRAP is a diagnostic technology to detect COVID-19 virus. The technology is also capable of testing influenza, dengue, malaria. Tuberculosis and Japanese Encephalitis. Also, the technology can ..


Affordable and Portable Device to Detect COVID 19 Developed by IIT-Kharagpur

A team of researchers from the IIT Kharagpur has developed an affordable and portable test in order to detect COVID 19 infection. The test can be conducted in an ultra-low-cost portable enclosure as an alternative to specialized laboratory equipment. The ..


Weather Forecast System Developed by IIT Kharagpur

Researchers at IIT Kharagpur have developed an advanced weather forecasting system in order to disseminate data regarding climate and its challenges to the farmers so that they can make informed decisions. This is expected to ensure that the agriculture sector ..


IIT Kharagpur to Train Students from Other Institutes in Agri-Tech

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur has announced that it is going to launch a course in order to impart training to the students and faculty members of other institutions in the country pertaining to agricultural techniques. These students will ..
