Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs –June 12-13 , 2022 [Mock Test]
June 13, 2022 June 13, 2022

1. Consider the following statements on underwater geological features:
- Hydrothermal vents are the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.
- Abyssal plains are featureless plains.
- Mid-ocean ridge is formed by plate tectonics.
- Continental shelf is a submerged prolongation of the land mass.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
[A] Only 1, 2 & 3
[B] Only 3 & 4
[C] Only 1 & 2
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
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Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]
Notes:- Hydrothermal vents are places where seawater exits cracks in the sea floor, having been super-heated and enriched with metals and minerals deep in the underlying bedrock. They are the aftermath of a volcanic eruption due to shifting of the plates that form the Earth’s crust.
- An abyssal plain is an underwater plain on the deep ocean floor. Lying generally between the foot of a continental rise and a mid-ocean ridge, abyssal plains cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface. These are extremely flat and featureless plains of the deep ocean floor.
- A mid-ocean ridge is a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics. This feature is where seafloor spreading takes place along a divergent plate boundary.
- The continental shelf is geologically defined as the submerged prolongation of the land mass of the coastal State, consisting of the seabed and subsoil of the shelf, slope, and rise. It does not include the deep ocean floor.
2. Identify the parliamentary committee from the statements given below:
- It was set up in 1976.
- It comprises 30 members of Parliament, 20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha.
- As a convention, it is chaired by the Union Home Minister.
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Public Accounts Committee
[B] Committee on Public Undertakings
[C] Committee on Official Language
[D] Estimates Committee
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Correct Answer: C [Committee on Official Language]
Notes:- Parliamentary Committee on Official Language was setup in 1976 under section 4 of the Official Languages Act,1963. It comprises 30 members of Parliament, 20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. As a convention, the union home minister has been the Chairman of the Committee from time to time.
- The Public Accounts Committee was introduced in 1921 after its first mention in the Government of India Act, 1919 also called Montford Reforms. It presently comprises 22 members (15 members elected by the Lok Sabha Speaker, and 7 members elected by the Rajya Sabha Chairman) with a term of one year.
- The Estimates Committee has 30 members and all these members are from Lok Sabha. A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee.
- Committee on Public Undertakings was established in 1964 on recommendations of Krishna Menon Committee. It has 22 members (15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha).
3. With respect to the sessions of the Indian Parliament, the power of which of the following lies with the Presiding officer of the House?
- Adjournment sine die
- Adjournment
- Prorogation
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: A [Only 1 & 2]
Notes:- Adjournment sine die means terminatinga sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period, that is, when the House is adjourned without naming a day for reassembly, it is called adjournment sine die. The power of adjournment sine die lies with the presiding officer of the House.
- The term prorogation means the termination of a sessionof the House by an order made by the President under Article 85(2)(a) of the Constitution. The prorogation terminates both the sitting and session of the House and is usually done within a few days after the House is adjourned sine die by the presiding officer. The President issues a notification for the prorogation of the session. However, the president can also prorogue the House while in session.
- An adjournment results in the suspension of work in a sitting for a specified time, which may be hours, days or weeks. In this case, the time of reassembly is specified as an adjournment only terminates a sitting and not a session of the House. The power of adjournment lies with the presiding officer of the House.