Daily Current Affairs Quiz : May 23-24, 2021
May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021
1. The principal rainy season for the Indian subcontinent, June to September, is referred to as which season?
[A] South-west Monsoon
[B] North-east Monsoon
[C] Rainy Season
[D] Autumn Season
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Correct Answer: A [South-west Monsoon]
The principal rainy season for the Indian subcontinent, June to September, is referred to as the ‘Southwest Monsoon’ period.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced that the Southwest Monsoon has arrived over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is an indication that it will reach the mainland soon.
2. Which state leads in sweet potato production across India?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Odisha
[D] Karnataka
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Correct Answer: C [Odisha]
Odisha state leads in production of Sweet potatoes across the country. Recently a group of farmers has successfully grown purple sweet potatoes in summer, which is a winter crop harvested in September and March.
According to the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), purple sweet potatoes have a high anthocyanin content of 90 milligrams per hundred grams.
3. Which country has proposed global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%?
[A] Germany
[B] China
[C] Russia
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Correct Answer: D [USA]
The United States Treasury Department recently announced that the international corporations should pay at least 15 percent tax on their earnings.
The Department announced that 15 percent is a minimum rate and it will continue discussions to push the rate higher. American companies currently pay a 21 percent tax rate that was brought down by ex-President Donald Trump from 35 percent. President Joe Biden had proposed to raise the tax rate to 28 percent.
4. DIPCOVAN, is an antibody detection-based kit developed by which organisation?
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Correct Answer: B [DRDO]
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed an antibody detection-based kit, named the DIPCOVAN.
It stands for ‘DIPAS-VDx COVID 19 IgG Antibody Microwell ELISA’. The kit can be used for sero-surveillance for detecting the presence of Covid antibodies amongst the people. The kit can detect spike as well as nucleocapsid (S&N) proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
5. What is the quantum of surplus that the RBI transferred to the Central Government for the period ended March 31?
[A] Rs 13122 crore
[B] Rs 32122 crore
[C] Rs 46122 crore
[D] Rs 99,122 crore
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Correct Answer: D [Rs 99,122 crore]
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is set to transfer Rs 99,122 crore as surplus to the central government for the nine months ended March 31 (July 2020-March 2021).
This is higher than what the government itself had budgeted for, as the Finance Minister earmarked a transfer of Rs 53,511 crore. Bimal Jalan Committee had that the RBI maintain a minimum contingency risk buffer of 5.5 per cent of its balance sheet, at all times.

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