Daily Current Affairs Quiz: April 02, 2021
April 2, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. What is the name of India’s first earth observation satellite which is to be placed in a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit?
[A] RISAT 11
[C] GSAT 7
[D] INSAT 11
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Correct Answer: B [GISAT 1]
GISAT-1 is India’s first agile earth observation satellite that will be placed in a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.
The Indian Space Research Organisation has revised the launch schedule of the geo imaging satellite GISAT-1 on board GSLV-F10 launch vehicle. The 2,268 kg satellite is expected to be launched on April 18, this year.
2. Which Union Ministry has chalked out a four-point strategy to handle the blockage at Suez Canal?
[A] Ministry of Petroleum
[B] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[C] Ministry of Heavy Industries
[D] Ministry of External Affairs
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Correct Answer: B [Ministry of Commerce and Industry]
The Union Commerce Ministry laid down a four-point strategy to handle the situation of total blockage at the Suez Canal.
It organised a meeting with the Ministry of ports, shipping and waterways and other stake holders. As per the government’s assessment, total backlog at the waterway will likely be cleared in a week’s time.
3. ‘Shaheen 1-A’ is the nuclear- capable ballistic missile, recently launched by which country?
[A] Pakistan
[B] Afghanistan
[D] Israel
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Correct Answer: A [Pakistan]
Pakistan has successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile named Shaheen-1A.
The missile has a range of 900 kilometres with sophisticated and advanced guidance system. In February, Pakistan successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile which can strike targets up to 290 km.
4. Which country has proposed retaliatory trade actions against India for imposing Equalisation levy on e-commerce companies?
[A] Russia
[C] China
[D] UK
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Correct Answer: B [USA]
The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has proposed retaliatory trade actions against India and some other countries for imposing Equalisation levy on e-commerce companies.
In June 2020, the US initiated an investigation under Section 301 of the US Trade Act, 1974 against the taxation on the digital services or the Equalisation levy by India, Italy, Turkey, UK, Spain and Austria.
5. The International Theatre Institute (ITI), the world’s largest performing arts organization, is headquartered in which city?
[A] Rome
[B] Paris
[C] Geneva
[D] Moscow
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Correct Answer: B [Paris]
The International Theatre Institute (ITI) is the world’s largest performing arts organization. It was founded in 1948 by theatre and dance experts and the UNESCO.
World Theatre Day is celebrated annually on March 27th by the centres of ITI and the theatre community across the world. On the same date in 1962, the “Theatre of Nations” season was inaugurated in Paris.

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