Van Dhan Kendras
TRIFED’s new project for Tribal Households
The TRIFED recently signed an agreement with The LINK Fund to work together towards tribal development. TRIFED is Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India About the Agreement Under the agreement, they will work towards tribal employment generation and development. ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2021
Tribes India Contest by TRIFED
The TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation Limited), Ministry of Tribal Affairs and the Government of India have launched two interesting competitions for the tribal people. They are “Be the Brand Ambassador of Tribes India” and “Be a Friend of ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Van Dhan Yojana: Expanded from 18,000 Van Dhan SHGs to 50,000
On June 15, 2020, a webinar was organized by the TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India). The webinar was titled “Van Dhan: Tribal Startups Bloom in India” During the webinar, it was informed that current coverage Van Dhan ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020
TRIFED launches Digital Communication Strategy in collaboration with UNICEF
The Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India in collaboration with UNICEF has launched Digital Communication Strategy for the Tribal Gatherers to work safely. The programme highlights the importance of social distancing. Features A Webinar is to be conducted on ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
500 officials of TRIFED Van Dhan India unleash power of Webinars to Work from Home
On March 29, 2020, around 500 officials of TRIFED (The Tribal cooperative Marketing Development federation of India) operating under Ministry of Tribal Affairs unleashed the power of Webinars. Highlights The Trifed Social Media team has reached 2.5 million people in ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2020
“Tech for Tribal”-Launched by TRIFED to develop Tribal Entrepreneurship
On March 19, 2020, TRIFED, the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India launched “Tech for Tribal” initiative. The initiative aims at providing entrepreneurship skills to the tribal people. Highlights The initiative is to benefit 3 lakh people. The TRIFED ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2020
100 days of Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana
The National programme driven by TRIFED (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India), Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana (PMVDY), completed 100 days under Ministry of Tribal Affairs on December 7, 2019. The programme aims at empowering the tribal community. Highlights ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2019
Van Dhan Scheme: Government proposes to set up 3,000 Van Dhan Kendras involving 30,000 SHGs
The Union Government has proposed to set up 3000 Van Dhan Kendras involving 30,000 Self Help Groups (SHGs) across the country under its Van Dhan Scheme. This will help in empowering tribals by providing them skill up-gradation and capacity building ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2018