
How Does Math Relate to the Life Cycle of Periodical Cicadas?

Two broods of periodical cicadas have emerged together for the first time in over 200 years. Brood XIX appears in the southeastern U.S., while Brood XIII is found in the Midwest. Additionally, Australian greengrocer cicadas, which follow a seven-year cycle, ..



Penrose Tiling Problem and the “The Hat” Shape

In the world of mathematics, there are problems that have been around for centuries, or even millennia, waiting to be solved. One such problem is the Penrose tiling problem, named after the British mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose. The Penrose ..



Argentine-American Mathematician Luis Caffarelli Wins 2023 Abel Prize

The Abel Prize, named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, is considered one of the highest honors in mathematics. The prize is conferred every year by the King of Norway and is awarded to one or more outstanding mathematicians. This ..



‘Dhara: An Ode to Indian Knowledge Systems’ Initiative

The Ministry of Culture’s flagship initiative, “Dhara: An Ode to Indian Knowledge Systems,” has completed its first year. During this year, 10 successful conferences were organized on various themes highlighting India’s civilizational achievements. The program aims to promote and revive ..



Honeybees capable of parity categorization

Honeybees are the only non-humans found to be capable of learning parity categorization. Key facts Parity classification is the categorization of numbers as either odd or even. It is used when dealing with real-world objects that can be paired. If ..



Mathematician Tony Lewis passes away

Mathematician Tony Lewis passed away on April 1st, 2020. He is noted for the Duckworth Lewis Stern method used in cricket by ICC. Tony Lewis Tony Lewis (Anthony Lewis) was an English mathematician born in 1942 in Lancashire, North-west England.  ..

Abel Prize, 2020 to Hillel Frustenberg and Gregory Margulis

The Norwegian Academy of Science is to award the Abel Prize for the year 2020 to the two great mathematicians Hillel Frustenberg and Gregory Margulis. They are being honoured for their work towards probability and dynamics in number theory, combinatorics ..


Katharine Johnson

NASA mathematician, Katharine Johnson, passed away at the age of 101 recently. She is noted for not only for her mathematical prowess but also for her role in breaking racial and gender barriers. Who was Katharine Johnson? Katharine Johnson was ..