GK & Current Affairs Quiz: November 02, 2019
November 2, 2019 May 21, 2021
1. Which IIT has decided to set up space technology cell in collaboration with ISRO?
[A] IIT Delhi
[B] IIT Kanpur
[C] IIT Bombay
[D] IIT Madras
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Correct Answer: A [IIT Delhi]
IIT Delhi has decided to set up a space technology cell in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The cell would work for carrying out focused research projects in the space technology domain with specific deliverables. It is also proposed that IIT Delhi as an institute becomes academic partner of ISRO in research areas such as or example AI Artificial Intelligence, Nano-technology, functional textiles and smart manufacturing or any area of joint interest.
2. India’s first-ever Arts Exposition for talents with intellectual challenges “eCAPA 2019” has started in which city?
[A] Kanpur
[B] Kochi
[C] Dehradun
[D] New Delhi
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Correct Answer: D [New Delhi]
India’s first-ever Arts Exposition for Artists blessed with Down Syndrome, Autism, Mental Retardation, Seizure Disorder and Dyslexia has started in New Delhi on 3rd November 2019. The “eCAPA 2019 – Art from the Heart” is a unique nationwide platform-cum social venture for such artists to showcase their visual and performing arts. The aim of this exposition is to create an exclusive platform to showcase the visual and performing art talents of young adults with intellectual challenges. It will also provide Divyang artists with opportunities to find mentors in the visiting artists and eminent masters of different crafts. This exposition will continue till 14th November at STIR Gallery, Chattarpur Farms.
3. Which city is hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25) after Chile withdraws?
[A] New York
[B] Paris
[C] Madrid
[D] New Delhi
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Correct Answer: C [Madrid ]
The Spanish capital city of Madrid will host the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25) from 2nd to 13th December 2019. The decision was taken after Chile withdrew as host for the event due to the ongoing street protests in the South American country. The annual Conference of the Parties (COP) summit is a key event which allows representatives from around 200 nations to monitor and discuss the current situation of the world’s warming climate.
4. Which country will be the partner country at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2019)?
[A] Afghanistan
[B] China
[C] Japan
[D] Russia
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Correct Answer: D [Russia ]
Russia will be the partner country at the Golden Jubilee of International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2019) in Goa. It will be held from November 20 to 28 with close to 250 films from various countries being screened. The fest will honour superstar Rajinikanth with a special ‘Icon of Golden Jubilee’ award presented in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Indian cinema. The Life Time Achievement (LTA) award for a Foreign Artiste will be conferred on French Actress Isabelle Hupert. During the 50th IFFI, 50 films of women directors will be showcased.
5. Which noted philanthropist has won the 2019 Sasthaaram Award?
[A] M Padmakuma
[B] K P Nandakumar
[C] V A Shrikumar Menon
[D] Unni Menon
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Correct Answer: B [K P Nandakumar]
Dr K.P. Nandakumar, the noted Homoeopathic doctor and philanthropist, has won the 2019 Sasthaaram Award for his contributions to the art and socio-cultural realms. The award was instituted by the Thamarakkulam Sri Sabarimala Ayyappa Swami temple of Vadakkanthra in 2015 with the intention of honouring those who contributed to the art and socio-cultural fields in Palakkad. It consists of Rs 25,000, a citation and a plaque, and would be presented at a function to be held on December 22.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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