GK & Current Affairs Quiz: May 03, 2019
May 4, 2019 May 21, 2021
1. Claire Polosak, who became the first female umpire to stand in a men’s ODI, is from which country?
[A] West Indies
[B] South Africa
[C] New Zealand
[D] Australia
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Correct Answer: D [Australia ]
Claire Polosak from Australia created history by becoming the first female umpire to stand in a men’s One-Day International (ODI). On 27th April 2019, she has officiated the final of the World Cricket League Division 2, between Oman and Namibia, who both secured ODI status after finishing in the top two positions of the table. In all, Polosak has officiated 15 women’s ODIs, and was part of the team that stood in the 2018 ICC T20 Women’s World Cup, including in the semi-final between England and India. She also officiated in four matches at the ICC Women’s World Cup 2017.
2. What is the theme of the 2019 International Labour Day (ILD)?
[A] Celebrating the International Labour Movement
[B] Let’s value work by providing the jobless with start-up capital support
[C] Sustainable Pension for all: The Role of Social Partners
[D] Uniting Workers for Social and Economic Advancement
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Correct Answer: C [Sustainable Pension for all: The Role of Social Partners]
The International Labour Day (ILD) is celebrated every year on 1st of May to honour the contribution of working men and women. The day aims to pay tribute to workers sacrifices in achieving economic and social rights all over the world. During industrialization at the beginning of the 19th Century, the industrialists used to exploit the labour class and made them work up to 15 hours a day. The workers rose against this exploitation and demanded paid leaves, proper wages and breaks for the workforce. Hence, the day marks the victory of the workers’ movement for eight hours of work. In India, the first Labour day or May Day was celebrated in 1923 in Chennai. The 2019 theme is – Sustainable Pension for all: The Role of Social Partners.
3. Negasso Gidada, who passed away recently, was the former President of which country?
[A] Kenya
[B] Ethiopia
[C] Nigeria
[D] Tanzania
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Correct Answer: B [Ethiopia]
Dr. Negasso Gidada (75), the former President of Ethiopia, has passed away in Frankfurt, Germany on April 27, 2019. He was president between 1995 and 2001 and was the first head of state after Ethiopia adopted a new constitution transforming the country into a federal state, with increased autonomy given to the different regions. The role of president in Ethiopia is largely ceremonial, with the prime minister holding most of the power.
4. Which of the following countries is the biggest spender on military expenditure in 2018, as per new data by SIPRI?
[A] Russia
[B] China
[C] Saudi Arabia
[D] United States
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Correct Answer: D [United States]
According to latest data released by global think-tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the total world military expenditure rose by 2.6% to $1,822 billion in 2018. As per new data, the United States is the world’s largest spender on defence in 2018, with a military expenditure almost equal to the next eight countries combined. China ($250 billion) has acquired 2nd position followed by Saudi Arabia ($67.6 billion), India ($66.5 billion) and France ($63.8 billion). The study found that the United States increased its military expenditure for the first time since 2010. China’s military spending rose for the 24th consecutive year.
5. Alfred Brownell, who won the 2019 Goldman Environmental Prize, is from which country?
[A] Italy
[B] Mongolia
[C] Chile
[D] Liberia
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Correct Answer: D [Liberia]
Alfred Brownell from Liberia, an environmental lawyer and activist, has been awarded the prestigious 2019 Goldman Environmental Prize for exposing alleged abuse by the palm oil company Golden Veroleum Liberia and helping to prevent it from converting about 50 km2 of forest that is home to elephants, pygmy hippopotamuses and chimpanzees into palm oil plantations. The other winners of the top environment prize are: Linda Garcia of Vancouver, Ana Colovic Lesoska of North Macedonia, Bayarjargal Agvaantseren of Mongolia, Jacqueline Evans of the Cook Islands and Alberto Curamil of Chile. The Goldman Environment Prize is awarded annually to six grassroots activists from six different continents who have taken action and risked their lives to protect the planet.

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