Daily Current Affairs Quiz : February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022 February 2, 2022
1. UNCITRAL, seen in the news, is a UN Agency associated with which field?
[A] Children Welfare
[B] Climate Change
[C] Insolvency
[D] Heritage
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Correct Answer: C [Insolvency]
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Cross border Insolvency (1997) is the most widely accepted legal framework on cross-border insolvency.
The Economic Survey suggested the adoption of UNCITRAL Law with certain modifications. It has been adopted by 49 countries such as Singapore, UK, US, South Africa and Korea. Insolvency Law Committee had recommended the adoption of UNCITRAL.
2. Which Union Ministry launched the ‘Services e-Health Assistance and Teleconsultation (SeHAT)’ initiative?
[A] Defence Ministry
[B] Health and Family Welfare Ministry
[C] Science and Technology Ministry
[D] Electronics and IT Ministry
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Correct Answer: A [Defence Ministry]
The Union Defence Ministry had launched the ‘Services e-Health Assistance and Teleconsultation (SeHAT)’ scheme. It aims to provide home delivery of medicines for veterans and serving military personnel.
The scheme was first rolled out in Delhi and the scheme would be extended to more and more stations in the future. It also provides online medical consultation platform to the tri-services personnel and their families.
3. “Vayam Rakshamah” or “We Protect” is the theme of which armed force of India?
[A] Indian Coast Guard
[B] Indo-Tibetan Border Police
[C] Assam Sentinels
[D] Border Security Force
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Correct Answer: A [Indian Coast Guard]
The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) celebrated its 46th Raising Day on 1 February 2022. It is the fourth largest Coast Guard in the world with the motto of “Vayam Rakshamah” or “We Protect”.
The Indian Coast Guard was inaugurated with seven surface platforms in 1978. It is set to achieve the targeted force levels of 80 aircraft and 200 surface platforms by the year 2025.
4. Spikevax, which received full approval from US FDA, was manufactured by which pharma company?
[A] Pfizer
[B] Moderna
[C] Johnson and Johnson
[D] Astrazeneca
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Correct Answer: B [Moderna]
Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine named ‘Spikevax’ has received full approval from the US Food and Drug Administration, for use in people ages 18 and older.
This is the second Covid-19 vaccine to receive full approval from the FDA after Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, Comirnaty, which was approved in August. This is also the first product of Moderna to receive licensure in the U.S.
5. The United States recently announced which country as its major non-NATO ally?
[B] Qatar
[C] Israel
[D] Japan
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Correct Answer: B [Qatar]
US President Joe Biden designated Qatar a major non-NATO ally, during a meeting with the ruling leader of Qatar at the White House.
This is seen as a symbolic honour to Qatar for its assistance with evacuations from Afghanistan and in ending last year’s Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

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