Current Affairs : Awards Update : July August 2009

August 15, 2009: President’s Award to 23 scholars of Sanskrit, Pali/Prakrit, Arabic and Persian languages
Here is a list of some scholars who get President award this year.
Sanskrit : Kompella Ramasuryanarayana, Vachaspati Sharma Tripathi, Ramakant Shukla, Vishwa Murti Shastri, NS Anatha Rangachar, N Gopala Panicker, Sudyumna Acharya, Keshao Ramarao Joshi, Bhagaban Panda, Kamal Anand, Badri Prasad Shastri, Annadur Rajagopala Chariar, Ram Chandra Pandey, Ashok Kumar Kalia and Samiran Chandra Chakrabarthy.
Sanskrit International : Professor Sheldon Pollock
Pali Prakrit : Dr Dharma Chandra Jain

August 15, 2009: Coal India Ltd. (CIL) wins SCOPE award (Institution Category)
Coal India Ltd. (CIL) wins SCOPE award for excellence and outstanding contribution to the public sector management in the institutional category in 2007-08.

August 15, 2009 : S. K. Roongta of SAIL wins SCOPE Award (Individual Category)
Chairman of Steel Authority of India Ltd S. K. Roongta was given the SCOPE award for excellenceand outstanding contribution to the public sector management in the individual category.

August 12, 2009 : Stephen Hawking honoured with US’ highest civilian award
Celebrated Cambridge-based scientist Stephen Hawking was honoured with the US’ highest civilian award — Presidential Award of Freedom — by president Barrack Obama.

About Stephen Hawkings :
He is a Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. In addition to scientific research, Hawking has written three popular science books, including the bestseller ‘A Brief History of Time’. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom in recognition of these popular science publications and for making his research accessible to all members of the public.

About the award: There are 16 honourees this year for the prestigious recognition.The recipients are from varied fields ranging from politics to sports and medicine and were chosen for their work as agents for change. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award in the US and aims to recognise individuals who have made an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavours.

Other recipients for this year’s award include Muhammad Yunus, Desmond Tutu and Billy Jean King.
Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel peace prize in 2006 for his role in poverty alleviation thorough micro-finance schemes in Bangladesh.
Former Archbishop Tutu was a leading anti-apartheid activist in South Africa, and King was a famous tennis player and has since been campaigning for gender equality in sports and other areas of public life.

August 3, 2009: Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2009
The five winners of the Ramon Magasaysay Award 2009 , which are also called Nobel prize of Asia are :

  1. Ka Hsaw Wa of Myanmar, co-founder of EarthRights International, was recognised for “dauntlessly pursuing non-violent yet effective channels of redress, exposure, and education for the defence of human rights, the environment and democracy.
  2. Deep Joshi of India: He has management and engineering degrees from the Massachussets Institute of Technology, was cited for decades of development work in rural India, and founding a non-profit organisation that recruits university graduates and grooms them to do grassroots projects in poor communities. Joshi was the co-founder of Professional Assistance for Development Action and now works as an independent consultant for the NGO which works for rural poor, promoting self-help groups, developing locally suitable economic activities, mobilising finances and introducing systems to improve livelihoods of rural people.
  3. Ma Jun, of China and a former journalist, was awarded for publicising environmental issues in China, including naming over 10,000 companies violating emission standards.
  4. Krisana Kraisintu of Thailand was recognised for her work in producing generic drugs for HIV/AIDS victims, many times cheaper than the multiple pills from pharmaceutical companies. She has worked both in Thailand and in sub-Saharan Africa.
  5. Yu Xiaogang of China was given the award for raising concerns about dams in his country and advocating social impact assessments in all such mega-infrastructure projects.
  6. Antonio Oposa Jr., of Philippines is an environmental activist and lawyer, was awarded for helping protest abuse of marine eco-systems, including organising sea patrols to raid boat operators engaged in illegal dynamite fishing.

July 29, 2009: Sushil Kumar, Vijender Singh , M. C. Mary Kom get Khel ratna Award
Government of India has decided to honour the Beijing Olympic Games bronze medal-winners Sushil Kumar and Vijender Singh along with woman boxer M. C. Mary Kom with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award. The awards will be presented by the President, Partibha Patil, at the Rashtrapati Bhawan, on August 29. From this year 2009 onwards the award would be known by the year in which it is awarded. Each of them gets Rs. 7.5 lakh, the enhanced cash component of the award, apart from a medal and a citation.
July 29 , 2009 : List of Arjuna Awards
Mangal Singh Champia (archery),
Sinimole Paulose (athletics),
Saina Nehwal (badminton),
L. Sarita Devi (women’s boxing),
Tania Sachdev (chess),
Gautam Gambhir (cricket),
Ignace Tirkey (hockey),
Surinder Kaur (women’s hockey),
Pankaj Navnath Shirsat (kabaddi),
Satish Joshi (rowing),
Ronjan Sodhi (shooting),
Poulomi Ghatak (table tennis),
Yogeshwar Dutt (wrestling),
Girdhari Lal Yadav (yachting)
arul D. Parmar (badminton, disabled).

July 29, 2009 : Dronacharya Awardees 2009
P. Gopi Chand (badminton),
Jaydev Bisht (boxing),
Baldev Singh (hockey)
Satpal (wrestling).

July 29, 2009 : Dhyan Chand Award
Ishar Singh Deol (athletics)
Satbir Singh Dahya (wrestling).

July 29, 2009 Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar
Tata Steel Limited
Railway Sports Promotion Board

Note: The Arjuna, Dronacharya and Dhyan Chand awardees will get Rs. 5 lakh each this year, enhanced from the previous Rs. 3 lakh, apart from statuettes and citations while the newly-introduced Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar winners will receive trophies and citations.

July 29, 2009: Prof Balaram wins G.M. Modi Award for Innovative Science & Technology 2009
Gujar Mal Modi Innovative Science & Technology Award has been conferred to Professor P. Balaram ‘Padam Shri’ – an internationally renowned scientist for his outstanding contribution in the field of Molecular Biophysics.

July 04, 2009 Indian Bank wins Model Bank Award
Indian Bank has won the Model bank award for 2009 from Celent, a banking industry research and advisory firm, for implementing core banking solution, based on the BaNCS platform, which has been developed by Tata Consultancy Services. (the Hindu)




  1. Anonymous

    August 17, 2009 at 1:45 am

    Thanx A lot

  2. Anonymous

    August 17, 2009 at 10:08 pm


  3. pallavi jain

    August 19, 2009 at 9:29 am

    good one dude…..plz joi my blog……the talent club on

  4. Pallavi Jain

    August 19, 2009 at 9:32 am

    its really nice that people of today are really aware…..i am proud to be an indian…it does not mean that i am saying that India is perfect…actually it requires a lot of change…change is the need of the hour

  5. Reshu

    August 26, 2009 at 11:58 am

    does anybody know who won business man of year 2008 according to a survey of Times of India?


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