5+5 Summit calls for greater co-operation b/w member countries

imageThe 5+5 Summit of European and North African nations along the Mediterranean Sea called for closer co-operation between the member nations. The heads of states and the foreign ministers of the 10 member group met at the capital of Malta Auberge de Castille for two days. They discussed several issues including regional security, irregular migration, and ways of strengthening political and economic cooperation in the wake of Arab Spring.

Who are the members of 5+5?

It is a group of 10 nations, 5 from Europe and another 5 from North Africa. The 5+5 initiative was first proposed by France in the 1980s. Its members include France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Malta from Europe and five countries from Maghreb in North Africa – Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania the forum in 1991. Among these, Portugal and Mauritania are the countries which do not actually border the Mediterranean, but they do have cultural links with their Mediterranean neighbors.


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