Launched in June 2011, SCORES is SEBI’s web-based centralized grievance redressal system that allows investors to lodge, track, and follow up on complaints online.
It enables listed companies and market intermediaries to receive, resolve, and report complaint statuses digitally.
The system covers issues under the SEBI Act, Securities Contract Regulation Act, Depositories Act, and Companies Act, 2013.
Complaints can be filed against listed companies, brokers, depository participants, mutual funds, portfolio managers, and other financial entities like credit rating agencies and merchant bankers.
Which of the islands forms part of the Chagos Archipelago?
Diego Garcia
Nelsons Island
Three Brothers Islands
Eagle Islands
Takeshima Island
Select the correct answer:
[A] 1, 2, 3 and 4 [B] 2, 3, 4 and 5 [C] 1, 3, 4 and 5 [D] 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
The Chagos Archipelago, located in the Indian Ocean, consists of several islands and atolls.
Diego Garcia, the largest island, lies on the Great Chagos Bank and hosts a major US military base.
Other notable islands and atolls in the archipelago include Peros Banhos, Nelsons Island, Three Brothers Islands, Eagle Islands, Danger Island, Egmont Islands, and Salomon Islands.
Takeshima islands is situated in the middle of the Sea of Japan. It is lying almost equidistant between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.
3. With reference to agricultural policies and international trade, consider the following statements:
The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) under WTO includes forestry and fisheries.
The Market Price Support (MPS) for Indian farmers is allowed to exceed 10% of production value without limits.
Developed countries can impose additional duties during import surges under WTO rules.
The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) under WTO includes forestry and fisheries: This is incorrect. The AoA excludes forestry, fisheries, and fibres like jute and coir.
The Market Price Support (MPS) for Indian farmers is allowed to exceed 10% of production value without limits: This is incorrect. The MPS is capped at 10% of the production value without adjustments for inflation.
Developed countries can impose additional duties during import surges under WTO rules: This is incorrect. Developing countries like India cannot impose additional duties during import surges due to the absence of Special Safeguard Measures (SSG).
Thus, none of the statements are correct.
4. In the context of Marburg virus disease, consider the following statements:
The Marburg virus is transmitted primarily through contact with infected fruit bats.
The fatality rate of Marburg virus disease can reach up to 89%.
Rifampicin is the only vaccine used to treat Marburg.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Transmission through fruit bats (Correct): The Marburg virus is indeed transmitted primarily through contact with infected fruit bats, which are considered natural reservoirs of the virus.
High fatality rate (Correct): The fatality rate for Marburg virus disease can reach as high as 89%, highlighting the severe nature of the illness and the urgent need for effective containment measures.
Rifampicin, also known as rifampin, is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. It’s used to treat tuberculosis, leprosy, Legionnaires’ disease, and other infections.
5. With reference to the Pay Commission, consider the following statements:
The Pay Commission reviews and revises salaries and allowances for central and state government employees and pensioners.
It is constituted by the Central Government roughly every five years to recommend changes in pay structures.
Employees of PSUs and autonomous bodies under the Central Government are also covered.
The Central Government constitutes a Pay Commission approximately every ten years to review and recommend revisions to the pay structures of its employees.
The Department of Expenditure under the Ministry of Finance acts as the nodal agency.
The Pay Commission’s recommendations apply to Central Government employees paid from the Consolidated Fund of India, including civil and military personnel from central civil services and defense services, as well as pensioners receiving government pensions.
However, employees of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and autonomous bodies are excluded, as they follow separate, organization-specific pay scales.
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