Zoonotic diseases

Rising Concerns Over Lassa Fever Outbreaks

Lassa fever has gained attention due to a recent case in Iowa. This incident involved the death of a traveller returning from West Africa. The disease has been endemic in several West African countries. These include Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, ..



Kyasanur Forest Disease

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the devastating impact of zoonotic diseases, which can transmit from animals to humans. Efforts to break the chain of transmission from wildlife to humans often receive inadequate attention, and the scientific rigour to implement them ..



Animal Pandemic Preparedness Initiative and Animal Health System Support for One Health

Animal pandemics and zoonotic diseases pose significant threats to both animal and human health, and addressing them requires a holistic approach. The Animal Pandemic Preparedness Initiative and the World Bank-funded Animal Health System Support for One Health are comprehensive efforts ..



What is One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA)?

The One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) was unveiled by the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and World Organisation for Animal Health. Key facts The Joint Plan of Action aims to integrate systems and ..




Khosta-2 variant of coronavirus found in Russian bats in Sochi National Park. Key facts A team of American researchers have found the Khosta-2 in Russian bats. The zoonotic virus is capable of infecting humans. This is unlike the Khosta-1, which ..



Lassa fever in Nigeria

171 people have died because of Lassa fever in Nigeria despite the government’s measures to reduce the spread of the viral infection across the country. Key facts Nigeria currently has the total of 917 confirmed cases of Lassa fever, with ..



Langya: New zoonotic virus in China

Another zoonotic virus, Langya, was recently discovered in China, after deadly coronavirus was detected in 2019. It is a type of Henipavirus, and is also called as Langya Henipavirus or LayV. It was detected in Shandong and Henan provinces in ..



Bengaluru One Health Pilot Project

On June 28, 2022, The Ministry of dairying and animal husbandry launched ‘One Health’ pilot project in Bengaluru. Key Points The One Health Pilot Project will bring stakeholders from human, animal, and environment health on single platform, in order to ..

