Physical geography

Study on the shrinking Vellayani Lake

Vellayani Lake is one of the largest freshwater bodies in Kerala. A recent study show that the lake has almost shrunk by half its original size. The report, ‘Revive Vellayani – a geospatial perspective – facts and figures’ was based ..

Study finds the validity of computer models for predicting climate change

A recent study published by scientist Zeke Hausfather in the journal Geophysical Research Letters studied the accuracy of several computer models used to predict the climate change. The study found high levels of accuracy in these computer models with an ..

World Meteorological Organisation report

In light of the ongoing UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Madrid, Spain, the World Meteorological Organisation has released its annual report predicting a grim outlook for the global climate change. Some of the reports highlights are as follows: ..

Arctic Ocean sea-ice is declining: Study

According to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the U.S., Arctic Ocean may be ice-free for part of year starting sometimes between 2044 and 2067.  Satellite observations show ..

‘Red Atlas Action Plan Map’ launched by Ministry of Earth Sciences

The first-of-its-kind-ready-reckoner ‘Red Atlas Action Plan Map’ has been launched by Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu along with the ‘Coastal Flood Warning System App (CFLOWS-Chennai). The ‘Red Atlas Map’ is prepared by the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences to aid Tamil ..

Bill Gates authors book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster”

The book titled “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need” has been authored by founder of Microsoft Corporation and American philanthropist Bill Gates. In the book, Gates will explain why he cares ..

Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change launchs a draft titled ‘Environmental and Social Management Framework

For Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has launched a draft titled ‘Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)”, which is a part of a World Bank-funded project. The draft plan will ..

Scientists of China & United States develop a statistical model that predict pollution levels using oceans’ memory

Researchers from China and the U.S. have developed a novel computer model that can help accurately predict air pollution levels in the region a season in advance. The statistical model uses certain climatic patterns related to the oceans which have ..