
What is Red Tide?

Red tide has recently occurred on the coast of Florida. It generally disappears by spring. It has been found since the 1800s in the Gulf of Mexico. Swimming in or near the red tide waters can cause skin irritations, rashes, ..



Maharashtra Mission Oxygen

The State Government of Maharashtra has recently launched the “Maharashtra Mission Oxygen”. Under the mission, the daily production of the state is to be increased to 3,000 tonnes. The State Government has allocated Rs 200 crores to the mission. It ..


Operation Samudra Setu II

The Indian Navy recently launched Operation Samudra Setu II. The operation will aid in fulfilling oxygen requirements of the country. About the operation Under the operation, warships have been deployed to carry liquid oxygen filled cryogenic containers. Two ships INS ..


PM CARES Fund: 1 Lakh Portable Oxygen Concentrators

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently sanctioned the procurement of one lakh oxygen portable oxygen concentrators from the PM-CARES Fund. Oxygen Generation Plants Initially, 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption Oxygen Generation plants were sanctioned under PM CARES Fund. Later this was ..


What is an Oxygen Concentrator?

The Government of India is to import 10,000 oxygen concentrators. What is an Oxygen Concentrator? An oxygen concentrator concentrates oxygen from the atmosphere. Working of Oxygen Concentrator The atmospheric air has 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen. The Oxygen ..


What is Proning?

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently issued guidelines on proning for self-care for COVID-19 patients at home. Under the new guidelines, the ministry has advised the COVID-19 patients to practice proning if they are facing breathing difficulties. Background ..


MOXIE- Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment

The Perseverance rover of Mars 2020 Mission of NASA recently converted carbon dioxide into oxygen. This is the first time this has been achieved in another planet. This was achieved by MOXIE, an instrument placed in the front side of ..


DRDO develops Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System

The Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) has recently developed a Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System. It is to be used for soldiers posted at extreme high-altitude areas. About the System The system was developed by the Defence Bio-Engineering and Electro Medical ..
