
India & World Bank sign Agreement of 210 million USD in agriculture and rural transformation

The Government of Maharashtra and World Bank signed a 210 million USD agreement to facilitate agriculture value chains, increase market access and build resilient crops. Highlights The Project is to be implemented in 36 districts of the state of Maharashtra. ..


SARAS Aajeevika Mela launched

SARAS Aajeevika Mela is an initiative under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY – NRLM). The objective of the initiative is to bring the rural women SHGs – Self Help Groups under one platform. This is to ..


Ministry of Consumer Affairs unveiled draft e-commerce norms for consumer protection

The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs , Food and Public Distribution has released the draft “e-commerce guidelines for consumer protection 2019” to protect the interest of online shoppers. The draft stated that an e-commerce ..

Amazon to close online operations in China

Amazon plans to close down online retail operations in China, admitting defeat to local e-commerce rivals such as Alibaba and Amazon will continue other operations such as Amazon Web Services in China. Amazon entered China in 2004, when it ..

2019 IAA World Congress

In Kerala, the International Advertising Association (IAA) hosted the 44th edition of IAA World Congress 2019 at the Grand Hyatt Lulu International Convention Centre in Kochi from February 20 to 22. The theme of the IAA World Congress was ‘Brand ..

IAMAI constitutes Namrita Mahindro committee to promote technologies in India

The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) has formed a new industry expert committee to develop and promote an augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) ecosystem in India. The committee is chaired by Namrita Mahindro, Senior General Manager of digital transformation ..

India ranked as 9th most valuable nation brand in world

India has been ranked as the 9th most valuable nation brand in the world, according to UK-based consultancy Brand Finance’s Nation Brands 2018 report. Despite, India lost one spot to rank, its brand value increased by 5% to $2,159 billion. ..

Ramesh Abhishek to head panel of secretaries to look into issues raised on some proposals of draft e-commerce policy

The Government of India (GoI) has set up a group of secretaries to look into the issues raised on some proposals of the draft e-commerce policy. The group will be chaired by Ramesh Abhishek, the secretary in the Department of ..