Page-2 of Land Reforms

Rajasthan becomes the first state to pass land title Bill

Rajasthan state assembly passed the Rajasthan Urban Land (Certification of Titles) Bills, 2016 for providing statutory backing to land records With this Rajasthan has become the first state to pass land title bill for effectively guaranteeing land and property ownership. ..


Various Issues and Challenges in the anti-Naxal strategy and measures in India

Various issues and challenges in the anti-Naxal strategy and measures in India include Land reforms, empowerment of the grassroot organizations, transparency in land acquisition, employments, presence of efficient government machinery etc. They have been discussed below: Implementation of Land Reforms ..

Tebhaga Movement

The Tebhaga movement was led by the share croppers of the Bengal region against the oppressive jotedars in 1946-47. The uprising was due to the share cropping system that prevailed in the Bengal. During the early nineteen century a new ..

Land Ceiling and Consolidation of Land Holdings in India

The land ceiling acts define the size of land that an individual/family can own. In India, by 1961-62, all the state governments have passed the land ceiling acts. But the ceiling limits varied from state to state. To bring uniformity ..

Tenancy Reforms in India

After passing the Zamindari Abolition Acts, the next major problem was of tenancy regulation. Tenancy reforms aim to regulation of rent, provide security of tenure and conferring ownership to tenants. The tenancy reforms laws provide the provisions for registration of ..

Abolition of Zamindari in India

The major objective of land reforms in free India was to abolish intermediaries and to bring changes in the revenue system that would be favourable to cultivators. The process of abolition of Zamindari, Jagirdari, Ryotwari etc. system had started even ..