Future Skills: Wipro, NASSCOM launch platform to train 10,000 engineering students
Information Technology firm Wipro has partnered with IT body NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) to launch a skilling platform called ‘Future Skills’ for new age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) that will ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2019
Infosys launches three block-chain powered distributed applications
Infosys announced the launch of three blockchain-powered distributed applications for government services, supply chain management and insurance domains. These applications are equipped with predictive return on investment (ROI) analytics for business investments that can be tailored to meet numerous industry-specific ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2019
October 7: World Habitat Day
The World Habitat Day is organized by the United Nations. The organization has designated the first Monday of every October to commemorate the day. Theme: Frontier Technologies as an innovative tool to transform waste to wealth. The theme is built ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2019
ONGC’s Energy Strategy 2040
India’s foremost Oil and Gas Exploration & Production (E&P) PSU, the Oil and Natural Gas Cooperation has set its target to double the oil and gas production from its domestic and foreign hydrocarbon reservoirs. It has named this plan the ..
Approval to New-Age Courses granted by UGC
The University Grants Commission has granted several approvals to new skill-based courses in 6 universities of the country. Why is this necessary? While traditional education has served the past generation well but the advent of technology has made the reskilling ..
ICANN, NASSCOM collaborate to develop technology, standards for IoT
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the global internet body and and Indian apex body for IT industry NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) announced collaboration for working in developing standards and identifier technology that will ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2019
Draft National e-commerce Policy
The Union Minister for Commerce and Industries Piyush Goyal has asked the companies to submit concerns on draft e-commerce policy in 10 days. Draft Policy: Key Components It proposes setting up of a legal and technological framework for restrictions on ..
5G Networks in India
5G is expected to create a cumulative economic impact of $1 trillion in India by 2035 as per the government forecasts. What is 5G? 5G is the next generation cellular technology to provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low ..