
World Hepatitis Day 2022

On July 28, World Hepatitis Day is celebrated across the World, annually. The day seeks to raise awareness on the Hepatitis, which cause deaths of around 125 000 people in Africa every year, even though the disease can be cured. ..



Emergency Use Permission to Sputnik Light

The Drugs controller General of India recently granted Emergency Use Permission to Sputnik light COVID-19 vaccine. The expert panel of the central drug authority had recommended this. With this sputnik light becomes the ninth COVID – 19 vaccine in the ..



COBAS 6800: India’s first automated COVID-19 testing machine

On May 14, 2020, the Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan dedicated the COBAS 6800 RT PCR machine to the nation. Highlights The machine is completely automated and performs high end RT-PCR tests. The machine will help to increase the ..


Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand successfully controlled Hepatitis B

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand have recently become the first four countries in the World Health Organization (WHO)’s South-East Asia region to have successfully controlled Hepatitis B. The virus is said to be controlled when the disease occurrenceis reduced to ..

2019 edition of World Hepatitis Day (WHD)

The World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is observed every year on 28rd of July to raise awareness about the disease which causes inflammation of the liver and claims around 1.4 million lives every year. The date of 28 July was chosen ..

Amitabh Bachchan WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis in South-East Asia Region

On 24th February 2019, Union Minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey rolled out “National Action Plan – Viral Hepatitis” to eliminate viral hepatitis at Mumbai in presence of Amitabh Bachchan, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis in South-East Asia Region. The aim of ..

Central government launches National Viral Hepatitis Control programme

On 2018 World Hepatitis Day (WHD), the National Viral Hepatitis Control programme has been launched by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in New Delhi to combat the disease by ..

2018 World Hepatitis Day (WHD)

The World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is observed every year on July 28 raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E — and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The ..