Today’s GK Questions (Static GK/GS) – August 30, 2019

Here are 10 GK questions for today, August 30, 2019 for various competitive exams in India.

Which among the following is correct about Giffin Goods?
Which among the following sub sectors of the petroleum and natural gas (PNG) sector in India does not fall in the domain of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board of India (PNGRB)?
Pravarasena-I is said to have performed all the seven sacrifices, viz. Agnistoma , Aptoryama, Vajapeya, Jyotishtoma, Brihaspatisava, Sadyaska and Ashvamedha. From which of the following dynasties, Pravarsena-I belonged to?
Consider the following statements about a former Minister/ Prime Minister / President of India? 
  1. His birthday falls in November and is celebrated as a National Observance all over India 
  2. He is known to have established first Indian Institute of Technology and the University Grants Commission
  3. He served as head of CBSE, once upon a time 
Which among the following personalities, the above statements refer to ?
Which among the following is called Magnacarta of English education?
Which among the following terms of utmost significance in the dynamics of resource management was coined in the ‘Brundtland Commission Report’? 
Who among the following erected a monastery stupa at Peshawar ?
Who defeated Rajputs in Battle of Chanderi in 1528?
Which of the following imaginary lines join places with same level of rainfalls?
What is the IUCN status of Crested Macaque?

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