Quiz 216: Ancient India History for Civil Services Pre & Public Service Examinations

During the reign of which of the following some Yavans’ or Greeks were converted to the Vaishnava Cult?
Who erected the Garuda pillar inscription of Besnagar in modern Madhya Pradesh?
Who among the following is considered to organize a confederacy of 10 tribes or Kings against Sudas?
Which among the following is incorrect regarding Kushanas?
Meander who was an Indo Greek king accepted which of the following religion ?
Which among the following are correct about Chola King Rajendra Chola1?
which among the following sentence is incorrect about Rajadhiraja Chola I?
Which among the following is incorrect about Devdasis?
The regions where the Aryans settled in India was called Saptasindhu , which was pronounced as haptahindu as well. What was the other term used for this area?
Which among the following is Incorrect regarding the early Vedic religion?

1 Comment

  1. Shonit

    September 22, 2009 at 11:45 am

    Please note that in Q18. the term is Vishti which meant forced labour. Hence the question should be What was the meaning of Vishti and not Victim

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