Inspirational writer “Stephen Covey” passes away
Eminent motivational author Stephen R Covey (79) passed away.
- Covey served as co-founder and former vice-chairman and director of Franklin Covey.
- He began his career as a professor in Brigham Young University before becoming world known author, speaker and consultant. He dedicated his life to teaching principle-centered leadership to diverse segments— from grade school and university students to chief executives of Fortune 100 companies and heads of states.
- In 1984, he gave up his full-time university professorship to set up his own business organization- Covey Leadership Center, to disseminate principle-centered leadership.
- Covey Leadership Center merged with Franklin Quest to form Franklin Covey Co, a global performance enhancement company that now functions in125 countries.
- He authored The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, printed in 1989, sold about 20 million copies in 40 languages globally. It is still an international bestseller. Covey came to India on many times. In his 2008 visit he addressed government and business leaders.
- He quoted Mahatma Gandh, who was his idol, in many of his works.
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2012