CSIR develops Bi-Luminescent Security ink to Curb Fake Currency Notes

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research along with National Physical Laboratory recently discovered a bi-luminescent security ink. The ink shall be used to counterfeit currency notes. Also, it shows two colours when exposed to light.

About the Ink

The ink is white in colour when placed under normal white light. When placed under Ultraviolet light, it turns red. Later it turns Green when the UV light is turned OFF.

The emission of red colour is due to fluorescence and the emission of Green colour is due to phosphorescence effect.

How is the ink made?

The ink produced by mixing two different colours namely green and red in the ratio 3:1. This mixture was hated to 400-degree Celsius. The high temperature turns the mixture into fine white powder.

The thermal treatment is provided in preparing the ink in order to ensure the colour pigments stick to each other.

The ink is also to be used in passports


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