
Difference between a Private Limited Company and Public Limited Company in India

There are two types of the companies in India limited by shares viz. Private Limited company  and Public Limited Company.  A private company is the one which has a minimum paid up share capital of Rs. 100000 or such higher ..

Timeline of Banking in India

The following table shows the timeline of banking in India, with major events and their dates. [table id=71 /] You may help us to add more data to the above table by leaving your comments.

Sub-schools of Vedanta and their Propounders

School Name Propounders Advaita Adi Sahnakar and his Guru Gaudapada Vishishtadvaita Rāmānuja Dvaita Madhwāchārya Dvaitādvaita Nimbarka Shuddhādvaita Vallabha Achintya Bhedābheda Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Purnādvaita or Integral Advaita Shri Arubindo Modern Vedānta Swami Vivekananda

List of Shatdarshana

Shatdarshana are 6 orthodox schools of Hindu Philosophy. They are as follows School Author Beginning Main Book Nyaya Gautama 6th Century BC Nyayasutra Vaisheshika Kanaad 6th century BC Vaisheshik Sutra Sankya Kapil 6th century BC Sankya Sutra Yoga Maharishi Patanjali ..

List of Brahmans of Four Vedas

Edit Rig-veda Aitreya kaushitaki Samkhyana Yajur-Veda Kasthaka kapilsthakatha Maitrayani Taitriya Sam veda Panchvisha Shadvisha Jaiminiya Atharvaveda Gopath

MukhyaUpnishad and their Vedas

MukhyaUpnishad Veda Aitareya Rig-Veda Bṛhadāraṇyaka Shukla Yajurveda Taittirīya Krishna Yajurveda Chāndogya Sam Veda Kena Sam Veda Īṣa Shukla Yajurveda Śvetāśvatara Krishna Yajurveda Kaṭha Krishna Yajurveda Muṇḍaka Atharva Veda Māṇḍūkya Atharva Veda Praśna Atharva Veda