
Solar Shooting Stars

The Sun, with its mesmerizing features and celestial phenomena, continues to fascinate scientists. Among these captivating phenomena are solar shooting stars, which differ significantly from the shooting stars observed on Earth.   Composition of Solar Shooting Stars  Solar shooting stars ..



Root Mean Square Granulation Contrast

A pioneering metric has been proposed by researchers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) to assess the quality of images of the Sun obtained through ground-based telescopes. The Fascination with the Sun The study of Sun holds prominence due ..



“Coronal holes” Phenomenon on the Sun

An image of coronal holes was shared by NASA recently. What are coronal holes? Coronal holes are regions on the Sun’s surface where the fast solar winds are spurted out into the outer space. Since they have little solar material, ..



ESA Vigil

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Vigil mission, formerly known as Lagrange, is a planned solar weather mission. Under this mission, two spacecraft will be stationed at the Lagrangian points L1 and L5, respectively. Overview: It’s the first of its kind ..



Parker Solar Probe: Detected radio signal from Venus

The NASA Spacecraft Parker Solar Probe has discovered a natural radio signal from Venus. These signals were detected when the space probe flew over the upper atmosphere of Venus. What did Parker Solar Probe find? The Parker Solar probe has ..


Aditya-L1 Support Cell (AL1SC)- Key Facts

A Community Service Centre has been set up on board India’s first dedicated Solar Space Mission. The centre is called ALISC. ALISC is Aditya-L1 Support Cell. It is to be set up at the ARIES at Haldwani, Uttarakhand. About ALISC ..


Super Earth Discovered

The Astronomers at the University of Gottingen detected a system of super earth planets. The planets are orbiting a near by star Gliese 887. It is the brightest red dwarf star in the sky. About the discovery The Super earth ..


Solar Eclipse in India

The Earth is to witness an annular solar eclipse on June 21, 2020. The eclipse is to be the deepest as the moon is to cover 98.8% of the sun. Highlights There are four types of solar eclipses. They are ..
