South Asian culture
Veteran actress TP Radhamani passes away
Veteran actress TP Radhamani who was predominantly active in Malayalam cinema passed away in Chennai. The 67-year old actor was under treatment for cancer.
Ministry of AYUSH signs MoU with CSIR for cooperation in research and education
The Ministry of AYUSH has recently signed a MoU with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR –New Delhi) for cooperation in research and education in areas of traditional systems of medicine and its integration with modern science. Under the ..
Festival ‘Jashn-e-Ittihaad’ held in New Delhi
A music and poetry festival titled ‘Jashn-e-Ittihaad’ was held at the Jamia Milia Islamia central university in New Delhi on April 6, 2019. The fest is one of a kind event where people will get to enjoy soulful Hindi and ..
Current Affairs: November 05, 2018
Here are the main headlines for current Events of November 05, 2018. National Current Events National Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Ayurveda being organised by the Ministry of AYUSH in New Delhi on November 4-5 A two-day National ..
All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) organizes Conference of Heads of AYUSH National Institutes
The Conference of Heads of AYUSH National Institutes was organized by All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) under the Ministry of AYUSH at India International Centre, New Delhi on 17th and 18th July 2018. The aim of the conference was ..
The birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore celebrated
The birth anniversary of Asia’s first Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore has celebrated on May 7, 2018. Rabindra Jayanti is popularly called Poncheeshe Boishakh and being celebrated ceremoniously and jauntiness all across West Bengal and Bangladesh. A revered poet, mercurial ..
Railways and Ayush Ministries sign MoU to augment services in Railway hospitals
The Ministry of Railways has signed MoU with Ministry of AYUSH in New Delhi on February 6, 2018 to augment Ayush services in Railway hospitals i.e. New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Guwahati. As per MoU, Ministry of Railways will ..
Jatilshwar Mukhopadhyay, renowned singer passes away
Jatilshwar Mukhopadhyay (82), the acclaimed Bengali singer has passed away in Kolkata, West Bengal on December 21, 2017. Mukohpadhyay, who had learnt music under the guidance of doyens of Bengali light classical music Chinmoy Lahiri and Sudhin Dasgupta, carved his ..