Organ systems
International Diabetes Federation launches 9th IDF Diabetes Atlas
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has released latest figures that highlight the alarming growth in the prevalence of diabetes around the world. These figures were published on the 14 November, World Diabetes Day in the ninth edition of the IDF ..
2019 edition of World Stroke Day (WSD)
The World Stroke Day (WSD) is observed every year on 29th October to raise awareness and reduce the incidence of stroke across the world. A stroke is a disease that affects the arteries of the brain. Whenever an artery carrying ..
2019 edition of World Osteoporosis Day (WOD)
The International Osteoporosis Foundation observes the World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) every year on October 20th to raise global awareness on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. The 2019 theme is ‘Love your bones and Protect your ..
2019 edition of World Vitiligo Day (WVD)
The World Vitiligo Day (WVD) is observed every year on June 25 to raise awareness about the condition. The 2019 theme ‘The Quality of Life of a Vitiligo Patient’ focuses on mental and medical journey of vitiligo. Vitiligo is an ..
2019 edition of International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD)
The International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) is observed every year on June 13 to celebrate the human rights of persons with albinism worldwide. The 2019 theme is “Still Standing Strong”. This is a call to recognize, celebrate and stand in ..
2019 edition of World Thyroid Day (WTD)
The World Thyroid Day (WTD) is observed every year on May 25 to promote awareness and understanding of thyroid health and the advances made in treating thyroid diseases. The thyroid gland is an important part of the body and is ..
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai find a novel function for stress buster serotonin to treat neurological decline
The researchers at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai have found a novel function for serotonin (a chemical that signals between neurons). The recent discovery establishes that serotonin is involved in the generation of new mitochondria (the powerhouse ..
Apollo Hospitals unveiled an advanced centre for movement disorders
Apollo Hospitals has unveiled an advanced centre for movement disorders in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It will provide medical and surgical treatment for patients affected by various movement disorders including Parkinson’s Disease. It would offer Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgeries and ..