Money Markets in India
Anything that can be generally acceptable as payment for goods and services or settlement of debts is Money. It is the element of confidence that others will accept it as a payment is what gives the purchasing power to money. ..
Near Money
Near money is a concept closely related to liquidity. Liquidity refers to how fast the money can perform the economic actions like buying, selling, or paying debt, meeting immediate wants and needs. There should not be loss of time and ..
Money Supply and Monetary Aggregates
All the money held with public, RBI as well as government is called Total Stock of Money. Money Supply is that part of this Total Stock of Money which is with public. By public we refer to the households, firms, ..
Money Markets
Money markets are those markets where borrowing and lending of short term funds ( maturity 1 day to 1 year) takes place. Due to short maturity, the instruments of money market are liquid and can be converted to cash easily ..
Money Market Reforms in India
Reserve Bank of India is the biggest regulator of the Indian markets. It controls the monetary policy of India. Its control is however limited to the organised part of economy and the unorganised sector which has a significant presence is ..
Problems of Indian Money Markets
Indian money market is relatively underdeveloped when compared with advanced markets like New York and London Money Markets. Various problems of money markets in India include Dichotomy, Lack of Coordination & Integration, Diversity in the Interest Rates, Seasonality in the ..
Structure & Functions of Money Market in India
There are two kinds of markets where borrowing and lending of money takes place between fund scarce and fund surplus individuals and groups. The markets catering the need of short term funds are called Money Markets while the markets that cater ..
Explained: What is Call Money?
Banks have to maintain a minimum level of cash to meet the daily transaction level and also maintain the Cash Reserve Ratio i.e. the minimum cash balance that has to be maintained by banks. It is decided by Reserve Bank ..