lock down
PM SVANidhi Scheme: 1.6% loans from private sector
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs recently announced that over twenty lakh street vendors have been provided loans under the PM SVANidhi scheme till March 29, 2021. Of this, eighteen lakh loans were provided by the Public Sector Banks. ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
United Nations Still Birth Report
The United Nations recently launched a report on stillbirths titled “A Neglected Tragedy: The Global Burden of Stillbirths”. The report was created by UNICEF, World Health Organisation, World Bank and the United Nations department of economic and social affairs. The ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Supreme Court: Overtime Wages should not be denied to labourers during COVID-19
On October 1, 2020, the Supreme Court quashed the notification of Gujarat Government to exempt factories from paying overtime wages to workers. The apex court said that the burden of economic slowdown shall not be put on workers who are ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
ARCI develop Ultra Violet based disinfection cabinet
The Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy along with the Mekins Industries have developed UVC based Cabinet to disinfect COVID-19 patients. About the Cabinet The Cabinet can be used to disinfect items used in commercial establishments and also in day ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020
Unlock 1.0; Lock Down 5.0 begins in India
India is now seventh worst hit country in the world with more than 1,82,143 cases of COVID-19. In the battle against the virus, India enters into fifth lock down or first unlock on June 1, 2020. This is to remain ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020
9 Crore 60 lakh Farmers Benefitted under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana
On May 27, 2020, the Government of India announced that around 9 crore 60 lakh farmers were benefitted under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana. This was mainly done through the PM-KISAN Scheme Highlights During lock down, around 9.67 crore farmers ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020
World Steel report: India’s steel output declined by 65%
On May 24, 2020, the World Steel Association released the World Steel Report. According to the report, the crude steel report of India declined by 65%. During April 2020, the steel output of India was 3.13 million tonnes. Highlights In ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020
Bundesliga of Germany: World’s first sports competition after COVID-19 lock down
The Bundesliga of Germany becomes the world’s first major sports event to resume after COVID-19 lock down. Highlights Though the sports events are beginning, they will not be played the same way. The Bundesliga games began with empty stadium though ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020