Indian Philosophy
Indian Political Thought – Kabir
Kabir, a prominent figure in Indian political thought, emerged during the 15th century as a mystic poet-saint. His contributions to spirituality and social reform remain in contemporary discourse. He was a key player in the Bhakti movement, advocating for devotion ..
Indian Political Thought: Dharamshastra
Dharamshastra is genre of ancient Indian texts that delineate the moral and legal duties (Dharma) of individuals and society. The term ‘Dharma’ encompasses duty, righteousness, and moral law within Hindu philosophy. Definition and Meaning Dharamshastra refers to a collection of ..
UGC-NTA NET Political Science – Indian Political Thought: Kautilya
Kautilya or Chanakya or Vishnugupta is a prominent figure in Indian political thought. He was an ancient philosopher, economist, and political strategist who lived during the 4th century BC. His association with the Maurya Empire, particularly with its founder Chandragupta ..
Deendayal Upadhyaya – Study Notes for UGC-NTA NET Political Science
Deendayal Upadhyaya was an influential Indian political thinker and leader, whose ideas shaped the political landscape of India. He is best known for his philosophy of Integral Humanism and his role in the formation of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, which ..