Homi Bhabha National Institute

Ajit Kumar Mohanty appointed as new director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Distinguished scientist Dr Ajit Kumar Mohanty has been appointed new Director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) for a period of 3 years. He is at present Director, Physics Group, in BARC and Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. The ..

Kamlesh Nilkanth Vyas appointed as new Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission

Kamlesh Nilkanth Vyas, the renowned nuclear scientist, has been appointed as the new Secretary of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), and Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) till May 3, 2021. He succeeded Shekhar Basu. At present, Vyas is the ..


The Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), an Indore-based unit of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has developed an instrument called Fluorimeter, to measure traces of uranium in water. The device is capable of examining traces of uranium in ..

Dinesh Srivastava newly appointed Chief Executive of Nuclear Fuel Complex

Dr. Dinesh Srivastava, the distinguished nuclear scientist, has taken charge as the new Chief Executive of the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC). He succeeded G. Kalyanakrishnan. In this capacity Dr. Srivastava will also be Chairman of the NFC Board. Prior to ..

Baldev Raj, director of NIAS passes away

Prof Baldev Raj (71), the director of the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), has passed away in Pune, Maharashtra on January 6, 2018, while attending a conference. A recipient of the Padma Shri award, he took over as director ..

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launches India’s first digital online oncology tutorial series

Preeti Sudan, the secretary of Union Health and Family Welfare ministry, has launched India’s first digital online oncology tutorial series in collaboration with the Tata Memorial Centre on January 4, 2018. The purpose of the tutorial series is to educate ..

Tata Hospital Mumbai records 100% cashless transaction

Tata Memorial Centre Cancer Hospital in Mumbai, has achieved 100% cashless transaction through the use of exclusive hospital-specific pre- paid Smartcard. Apart from offering the facility to make cashless payments, the Smartcard also gives the patient access to treatment record ..

Sekhar Basu assumes charge as Director of BARC

Renowned scientist Sekhar Basu took the position of director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). He played pivotal role in the development of atomic reactor for India’s indigenous nuclear submarine “INS Arihant”. He has also served as the Project Director ..
