Group of Seven

Global Shield Against Climate Risks Initiative

The Global Shield Against Climate Risks initiative was launched on November 14, 2022 by the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) countries and G7 countries. While V20 countries represent 58 countries that are vulnerable to climate change, the G7 represent seven of the ..



45th G7 summit held in Biarritz

In France, the 45th edition of G7 summit was held in Biarritz on 24-26 August 2019 with theme “Fighting Inequality”. The annual meet was attended by the leaders of 7 member states — France, Italy, Canada, United States, Japan, Germany ..

G7 calls for Greater role for Women in Peace development

Group of Seven (G7) countries’ foreign ministers have urged for a greater role for women to tackle with conflicts, and to promote peace settlements with female involvement which will be more likely to endure. France has placed gender inequality at ..

France to host 45th G7 summit 2019

The 44th edition of G7 summit 2018 was hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Quebec on June 8–9. This was the 6th time since 1981 that Canada has hosted the meetings. It was the first summit for Italian ..


MTCR Is Informal And Voluntary Association The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is an informal and voluntary association of countries that works to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology. MTCR was set up in April 1987 by the ..

Italy to host 2017 G7 Interior Ministers summit on security issues

Italy will host a summit of G7 Interior Ministers centered on security issues, which is scheduled to be held in October 2017. The meeting is being organised at the request of Italy’s G-7 partners- Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, ..

G-20 Cannes summit 2011

G-20 is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies which include 19 countries viz. South Africa, Canada, Mexico, United States, Argentina, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, France, Germany, Italy, ..



India’s Response to new NSG Guidelines

We have discussed that in June, the NSG had decided to restrict export of enrichment and reprocessing technologies to countries that had signed the NPT. Consequently, it would deny India access to ENR technologies which it says is crucial for ..
