Greta Thunberg

Angela Merkel tops 2019 Forbes’ List of World’s most-powerful women

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has topped the Forbes’ 2019 edition of 100 World’s Most Powerful Women for the ninth consecutive year. She was joined in top spots by fellow prominent female political leaders. The 65-year-old German leader has made 14 ..

Nirmala Sitharaman 34th in Forbes 2019 World’s 100 Most Powerful Women List

The Union Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman has been ranked 34th in the Forbes Top 100 Most Powerful Women in the World list. Nirmala Sitharaman also served as the Defence Minister of India from 3rd September 2017 to 30th ..

Greta Thunberg named TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year

The Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who became voice of a generation facing climate change emergency was named as Time magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year. The magazine announced 16-year old Thunberg as its choice among other 2019 finalists, which included ..

Who won the International Children’s Peace Prize 2019?

Greta Thunberg and Divina Maloum were declared as the winners of the International Children’s Peace Prize 2019. 16-year-old Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg was awarded for her struggle against climate change. 15-year-old Divina Maloum of Cameroon was awarded for her ..

Nelloptodes gretae: Tiny beetle named after climate activist Greta Thunberg

Scientists at the British Natural History Museum in London, UK have officially named a tiny species of beetle that was discovered more than 50 years ago as ‘Nelloptodes gretae’, to honour the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist’s ‘outstanding contribution’ in raising ..


Nobel Peace Prize – 2019

The 100th Nobel Prize for peace has been awarded to the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abhiy Ahmed Ali for his efforts towards peace and international cooperation. The prize was awarded in particular to honor his initiatives to resolve border conflict with ..


Right Livelihood Award 2019

The winners of Right Livelihood Award 2019 were announced in Stockholm, Sweden. The year 2019 was celebrated as the 40th anniversary of Right Livelihood Award, widely known as ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’. 2019 Right Livelihood Award Laureates The Sweden-based Right Livelihood ..


Greta Thunberg honoured with 2019 Rights Livelihood awards

The 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg has been honoured as one of four winners of the 2019 Rights Livelihood awards for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts. The award is known as Sweden’s ..