
October 11: International Day of the Girl Child

Every year, International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated by UNICEF. It is celebrated on October 11. This year, the day is celebrated under the following theme Theme: My voice, our equal future Highlights The International Day of Girl ..


2019 edition of International Girl Child Day

The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on every year on 11th of  October to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls’ face. It aims to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights. The ..

Breast ironing awareness needed in schools

The National Education Union in UK has receommended Breast ironing awareness in schools. The practice is common and originated in West Africa, however still followed secretly on many girls in UK. When a girl turned 10, the mother heats and ..

2019 International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated every year on 11th of February to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. The day is a reminder that women and ..

National Girl Child Day (NGCD-2019)

The National Girl Child Day (NGCD) is celebrated every year on January 24 in India to raise awareness against the social stigma and discrimination faced by girl. The day also highlights the need to protect girl child who is prone ..

2018 International Day of Girl

The International Day of the Girl is observed every year on October 11 to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face while promoting girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Today’s generation of girls are preparing ..

Digital Gender Atlas

Union ministry of HRD has launched a web-based digital gender atlas to map the progress on girl education throughout the country. The map has been prepared with data collated from the Unified District Information System for Education Data, Census 2011 and ..

The 2018 National Girl Child Day (NGCD) celebrated on January 24

The National Girl Child Day (NGCD) is celebrated every year on January 24 with an aim to raise awareness about sex ratio levels and promote the empowerment of girls.