Page-2 of Extreme poverty

UNICEF’s ‘Fed to Fail?’ Report- Highlights

UNICEF released its new report titled “Fed to Fail? The crisis of children’s diets in early life” on September 23, 2021. Key Findings According to the report, Children aged under 2 are not getting the food or nutrients they need ..


World Bank: 21 million to be out of Covid-induced poverty

The World Bank cut back on the Covid-induced poverty estimates by 21 million on September 15, 2021. Highlights World bank also said that, the global poverty may be turning the corner on pandemic in 2021. It also warned that the ..


October 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Every year, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is marked on October 17 by the United Nations. This year, the day is observed under the theme Theme: Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all Highlights ..


World Economic Outlook: Key Facts

The International Monetary Fund has recently launched the World Economic Outlook 2020. The report has been titled “A Long and Difficult Ascent”. It is launched twice a year. Once in June and then in October. The one recently launched is ..


World Bank: Biennial Poverty and Shared Prosperity report

On October 7, 2020, the World bank released the biennial poverty and shared prosperity report. According to the report, around 150 million people are likely to enter extreme poverty due to covid-19 pandemic in different countries. To counter this, countries ..


India improves in HDI ranking

The rank of India among 189 countries in the Human Development Index has improved for the year 2019. Last year, India ranked at number 130th. About 30 years of rapid development was the reason behind the improvement. According to experts: ..