Disaster Management Act

Parliamentary Panel calls for Public Health Act

The Parliamentary Standing Committee under the leadership a senior congress leader, Anand Sharma recently submitted its report, “Management of COVID-19 pandemic and related issues”. The report was submitted to the Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu. The report has recommended to ..


October 13: International Day for Disaster Reduction

Every year, the United Nations marks the International Day for Disaster Reduction on October 13. The day is celebrated to spread how people and communities all over the world are reducing their exposure to disasters. The day is also called ..


NDRF Contribution Norms by Individuals and Institutions Announced by Govt.

The central government has published the guidelines for contributing to the National Disaster Response FUND (NDRF) for the first time since its creation 15 years ago. The rules have been clarified for both individuals and institutions alike who want to ..


West Bengal Red Flagged by the Inter-Ministerial Team

The Government of India had set up 10 Inter Ministerial Teams to visit districts in states such as Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Telangana, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. The team that had visited West Bengal has now submitted its ..


Inter-Ministerial Committee constituted by Government of India

On April 24, 2020, the Government of India constituted Inter-Ministerial Committee to assess violations of lock down in the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Telangana. Highlights The Government of India has constituted inter-ministerial teams, 2 for Gujarat, one ..


GoI: Supply of Non-Essential Commodities by E-commerce prohibited during Lock Down

On April 19, 2020, the Government of India ordered that supply of non-essential commodities will remain prohibited during lock down. The order comes when E-Commerce industry geared up to deliver products such as refrigerators and mobile phones to areas that ..


COVID-19- A Notified Disaster

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs recently declared the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘notified disease’. This would enable the provision of assistance to SDRF. SDRF SDRF or State Disaster Response Fund is the state governments’ primary fund for responding ..

Centre approves disaster relief fund to seven states

The Government of India approved Rs 5,908 crores of disaster relief fund to seven states. It includes Karnataka, UP, Assam, MP, Tripura Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh. The states were badly affected due to floods and landslides caused by South West ..
