Archaeological Sites

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill

The AMASR Act was initially passed in 1958 for the purpose of preserving archaeological and historical monuments and sites, regulating excavations, and protecting sculptures, carvings and other objects. It prohibits construction activities in an area of 100 meters around protected ..



Merovingian dynasty headless horse remains

Archaeologists have unearthed a headless horse in Knittlingen in Germany. The headless horse was buried 1,400 years ago. A man’s skeletal was also found next to the headless horse. Probably he was the owner of the horse when it was ..



Where is Plain of Jars located?

The archaeologists recently found that the jars in the “Plain of Jars” were used as burial sites. They have also found that though the jars could be 3,000 years old, the human remains suggest that people were buried along side ..


500-year old Temple submerged in Mahanadi found

The Archaeological Survey team has recently claimed that a 500 year old temple that submerged in the waters of Mahanadi resurfaced. Highlights The Mahanadi river that changed its course 150 years due to flooding had submerged the Padmabati village where ..

Budget 2020: Caring Society: Women and Child, Social Welfare, Culture & Tourism, Env & Climate Change

On February 1, 2020, the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman presented the Budget 2020 on three main themes. The third theme of the budget is Caring Society. Under this theme, the GoI allocated budget to Women and Child, Social Welfare and ..


ASI: Gottiporlu-a historic trade centre

The Archaeological Survey of India has discovered the remains of huge settlement during its first phase of excavation at Gottiprolu near Naidupeta, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. It has uncovered a mass settlement that was surrounded by a massive brick enclosure Highlights ..

ASI finds 2,000-year-old trade center in Andhra Pradesh

The ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) recently discovered that the present-day state of Andhra Pradesh had a maritime center near the banks of Swarnamukhi river around 2,000 years ago. Highlights The excavations were performed at the state’s Gottiprolu that began ..


Lok Sabha passes Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill, 2017

Lok Sabha has passed The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill, 2017 to allow government to take up infrastructure projects within prohibited areas around protected monuments. The Bill amends the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains ..
