
Agro – Climatic Zones of India

Agro – Climatic Zone is a land that is suitable for growing particular type of crop. It is essential to delineate the land in the country into agro – climatic zones for sustainable agricultural production. What are the agro – ..


Sikkim wins FAO’s Future Policy Gold Award for 100% organic farming

Sikkim has won the Gold at the 2018 FAO’s Future Policy Award (FPA) for its achievement in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state. All of its farmland is certified organic. At the same time, Sikkim’s approach reaches beyond ..

Sikkim awarded FAO's Future Policy Gold Award for 100% organic farming

Sikkim was awarded UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize) for its achievement in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state. Sikkim beat out 51 other nominees from around the world for the award. ..


Lucknow hosts Krishi Kumbh International Conference and Exhibition

The 2018 Krishi Kumbh International Conference and Exhibition will be held at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (Telibagh) in Lucknow from October 26, which will be organized by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The aim of the 3-day conference is ..

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)

As climate is changing, creating resilient food systems has become the need of the hour. Agriculture is facing multiple setbacks be it in the form of extreme weather events like floods and droughts or factors such as soil degradation, soil salinity and water shortage. ..

Relay Cropping

In Relay cropping second crop is planted even before the first crop is harvested. Thus, both crops share some part of the season. In India, Rice –cauliflower – onion-summer gourd is one example of relay cropping. Advantages: Less risk since ..

Web-based System to advise farmers on fertilizers

A web-based system has been developed by the Indian Institute of Soil Science that will suggest farmers the right quantity of fertilizers they should use in their soils for a particular type of crop. How does the system work? The ..


Web-based System to advise farmers on fertilizers

A web-based system has been developed by the Indian Institute of Soil Science that will suggest farmers the right quantity of fertilizers they should use in their soils for a particular type of crop. The software considers the soil type ..
