GS-III: Effects of Liberalization On Indian Economy


                        This is a dynamic E-Book comprising the below UPSC Mains Model Questions as well as their answers written by GKToday team. The PDF E-Book can be instantly downloaded after payment. No Hadcopy is provided.
                      1. Discuss the Vijay Kelkar Committee on Revisiting and Revitalising the PPP model.
                      2. Do you support the proposal to abolish PPPAC and make NITI Aayog the approval authority for public-private-partnership (PPP) projects in India? Give arguments.
                      3. Critically examine the recent health ministry and NITI aayog proposal of public-private partnership (PPP) model to provide diagnosis and treatment for three non-communicable diseases in smaller cities.
                      4. To what extent the benefits of economic liberalization were trickled down to the lower strata of the society? Discuss critically.
                      5. Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often encourages shortsightedness and contributes to wide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism driving inclusive growth in India? Discuss. [UPSC-2014]
                      6. Liberalisation of the Indian economy since 1991 has led to excessive consumerism and over-production of ‘white goods’. Elucidate.
                      7. It has been argued, that the time has come for India to usher in full liberalization of the capital account. Analyze.
                      8. The Digital monopolies are often accused of posing a threat to the fundamental fabric of market competition. In this context examine the effectiveness of the regulatory Framework in India to deal with digital monopolies.
                      9. The new industrial policy, 1991 signalled a marked shift from the features of pre-1991 policies. Discuss.
                      10. Throw some light on the positive and negative impacts of globalization on developing countries like India.
                      11. What are the pros and cons of a strong Rupee? What can be done to strengthen the currency?
                      12. Disclaimer: These questions have been written and answered by GKToday team over the period of time; and have included some previous years questions also. While every effort was made to ensure that these questions as well as their answers remain relevent and correct, it is possible, that some facts or context in some questions might have changed over time. GKToday does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by such change of facts or context in the questions and answers of this E-book.

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