Television stations
GoI forms Committee to review Television Rating System
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is to set up a committee to review the existing guidelines of Television Rating Agencies. The committee has been formed with four members under the chairmanship of CEO of Prasar Bharti Sashi Shekar Vempati. ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
Doordarshan turns 60
The Public Service Broadcaster of India, Doordarshan celebrated its 60th anniversary on 15th September 2019. Doordarshan: Timeline Doordarshan made his beginnings from the studios of the All India Radio in 1959. It became a service in 1965 when it began ..
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting organizes 2nd All India Annual Conference of IIS Officers
On 5th August 2019, the 2nd All India Annual Conference of Indian Information Service (IIS) Officers was organized at Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra in New Delhi. The Conference was organized with a view to attain greater integration of all Media Units ..
Prasar Bharati signs MoU with IIT Kanpur for research collaboration in newly emerging technologies
Prasar Bharati has signed MoU with IIT Kanpur for research collaboration in newly emerging technologies and broadcasting-related areas in New Delhi. The move is likely to boost research activities in the broadcasting field. Direct to mobile broadcasting, Convergence of 5G, ..
DD India channel to be made available to Bangladesh
In a bid to boost India’s relations with its neighbours, the Union Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B) has signed agreements with Bangladesh and South Korea to make DD India available to viewers in the two countries respectively. Under this ..
Prasar Bharati signs MoU with Mizzima Media Group of Myanmar
Prasar Bharati has recently signed MoU with Mizzima Media Group of Myanmar to realize cooperation and collaboration in broadcasting and content sharing. The agreement was signed in the presence of Prasar Bharati CEO, Shashi Shekhar Vempati and Editor-in-chief and MD, ..
Prasar Bharati ties up with Google to telecast 2018 Independence Day programme live online
Prasar Bharati has tied up with Google and its video sharing platform YouTube to telecast the 72nd Independence Day programme live online on 15th August 2018 to increase digital presence. Prasar Bharati CEO Shashi Shekhar Vempati has stated that the ..
AIR & DD to meet technical challenges to improve programme
As per CEO of Prasar Bharti, Mr. Jawhar Sircar, All India Radio and Doordarshan need to meet the technical challenges to get better its programme quantum. A separate Recruitment Board of Prasar Bharti will be established soon after receiving approval ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012