Nicolás Maduro
USA has charged Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other senior Venezuelan officials with narcoterrorism, corruption, drug trafficking and money laundering. About Narcoterrorism The term narcoterrorism refers to the use of violence, intimidation and other kinds of terror attacks to influence ..
Venezuela: Guaido stripped off immunity
The legislators of Venezuela has stripped off Juan Guaido of the immunity thus giving way to the prosecution of the leader of the opposition and also his potential arrest. He is accused of violation of the Constitution when he had ..
Venezuela Crisis
The Venezuela crisis is deepening with passing time. European Union, Australia, US, New Zealand have recognised Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader as the president. Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader, has said that President Nicolás Maduro is illegitimate and has asserted ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2019
Nicolas Maduro sworn-in as new President of Venezuela
Nicolas Maduro has been sworn-in for a second term as Venezuela’s president on 10th January 2019, despite international criticism that his re-election was illegitimate. The result was denounced as fraudulent by many neighbouring countries, including Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, ..
Nicolas Maduro newly elected President of Venezuela
Nicolas Maduro Moro, the leftist leader and Venezuela’s President, has been re-elected to a second six-year term. Maduro hailed his win as a victory against imperialism, but his rival candidates have rejected the electoral process and called for new elections. ..
Petro: Venezuela becomes first country to launch virtual currency
Venezuela become first sovereign country to officially launch its own cryptocurrency called Petro backed by oil, gas, gold and diamond reserves to circumvent US-led financial sanctions. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has claimed that the pre-mined cryptocurrency Petrohas raised US $735 ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2018
Venezuela launches new virtual currency “Petro”
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro launched a crypto-currency “Petro” to advance issues of monetary sovereignty, make financial transactions and overcome the financial blockade. Beside this, Petro will also circumvent US-led financial sanctions. The digital currency will be backed by Venezuelan reserves ..
Venezuela orders 100-unit banknotes out of circulation
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has signed an emergency decree ordering the 100 bolivar bill, the country’s largest banknote, out of circulation in the next 72 hours. This move has been taken to thwart mafias from hoarding cash in Colombia. Investigations ..