International macroeconomics

US labels China a Currency Manipulator

The US has declared that China as a currency manipulator. The move could further fuel the ongoing trade war between the two countries. The US has alleged that China’s Central Bank is pushing for depreciation of Yuan as retaliation for ..

United States designates China as currency manipulator

The United States has designated China a “currency manipulator”, following the devaluation of the Yuan. The move could escalate the tense trade relations between the two nations. The US action came after China allowed its yuan to weaken past the ..

US Federal Reserve’s Rate Cut: Impact on India

The United States Federal Reserve has announced a quarter-percentage-point cut in interest rates. This was the first-rate cut in 11 years- the first since the global financial crisis broke in 2008. The rate cut marked a departure from the hawkish rate-hike ..

India finds problems OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index

India has found problems with the current method under which the OECD index –Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) – ranks countries based on their services trade policies. As per study commissioned by Indian Ministry of Commerce, the outcomes of index ..

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has expected India’s economy to grow 7.0% in calendar year 2018 compared with 6.2% in 2017

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development projects India’s economy to grow 7.0% in calendar year 2018 As per the report “Trade and Development”, the effects of demonetization are still evident in private consumption trends within the economy. It also ..

India ranked at 11th position in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index 2018

India has been ranked at 11th position in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index 2018 of global consultancy firm A T Kearney.  It is the first time since 2015 that India has been pushed out of the top 10. ..

FDI norms for banks eased: DIPP

As per the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), any kind of corporate debt restructuring or loan restructuring mechanism will not be considered as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in those banks which have foreign entities as majority shareholders. Earlier, ..


China now relies on American exports

A deteriorating Chinese economy, affected by a further slowdown, has become a cause of concern for the United States officials and the two presidential campaigns, as Chinese companies is showing grater dependence on exporting to the American market. What is ..
