FDA investigating genotoxic compounds in drugs
The US Food and Drug Administration has been on the look out for genotoxic compounds contamination in some drugs used for dealing with diabetes. The FDA had found instances of genotoxin contamination in drugs like Zantac. Genotoxic compounds are those ..
Tezpur University‘s researchers develops a low-cost filter to remove arsenic from water
Researchers at Assam’s Tezpur University have developed a simple and cost-effective filtration system – Arsiron Nilogon – that may help reduce the health burden caused by arsenic and iron contaminated groundwater. The system filters out 99.9% of the arsenic contamination ..
Laurus Labs signed pact with Global Fund to supply ARV drugs
Pharma Laurus Labs of Hyderabad has signed an agreement with Global Fund, an organization working towards ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics, for a period of three-and-a-half years. This agreement has a motive to supply Anti retro viral (ARV) ..
National Health Policy, 2017: Tangible Aims & Objectives
The National Health Policy, 2017 policy aims at attainment of the highest possible level of health and wellbeing for all at all ages. It is to be achieved through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in all developmental policies, ..
Top Arsenic Affected States of India
The largest number of arsenic affected people in India is found in West Bengal where 83 blocks in 8 districts have groundwater contaminated by Arsenic. As of March 2017, total number of arsenic-affected people in the country is about 1.48 ..
Antara and Chhaya
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched two new free contraceptives Antara and Chayya in 10 states under Mission ParivarVikas, a central family planning initiative. Antara is injectable contraceptive, effective for three months drug whereas Chayya is contraceptive ..
U.S. approves “Truvada”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration showed green signal to an anti-HIV drug, Truvada, by pharmaceutical firm Gilead Sciences. It can now be used as prophylactic drug. However, many people are skeptic with the decision, particularly AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2012
The Arsenic Hit Ganga Belt
Over thousands of years, arsenic has been washing down from the Himalayas with the Ganga water as sediment. In the plains, this arsenic has been leaching into the ground. It remained within permissible limits and did no harm till around ..