Chemical substances
Amit Shah launches Winter-Grade Diesel for Ladakh
On 18 Nov, Union Home Minister Amit Shah through video-conferencing inaugurated First Winter-Grade Diesel outlet for Ladakh . The winter-grade diesel has been developed by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) to address the problem of loss of fuel during ..
Germany to phase out controversial weedkiller glyphosate by 2023
Germany has decided to phase out the controversial weedkiller glyphosate by the end of 2023 to protect insect populations that play a pivotal role in ecosystems and pollination of food crops. The chemical is also suspected to cause cancer in ..
Centre increases Ethanol Prices
The Indian Government has directed the oil marketing companies (OMCs) to increase the procurement of ethanol and has also increased the price for buying the ethanol from the farmers. This move holds significance as the state elections in Maharastra, Haryana, ..
IIT Madras converts petroleum waste toluene into useful product
Using platinum nanocatalyst, a two-member team at the IIT Madras has successfully converted petroleum waste-product toluene into benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is used as a food preservative (E210) and medicine for fungal/bacterial infection. Toluene is converted into benzoic acid through ..
EU lawmakers: Support the wide ban on plastic products
The European Parliament backed the ban on plastics. The disposable utensils would be completely off till there are found replacements that are made of sustainable materials. The resolutions demand the need of recycling 90% of plastic bottles 2025. It has ..
Houston disaster contaminates the ship channel
The oil by products, toxic gasoiline of the Houston petrochemical accident have been washed into the sea.This has affected the ship channels in the bay. The fire that burnt for 3 days in the Houston petrochemical accident has already caused ..
Researchers of South Korea develop a system that can produce electricity and hydrogen fuel from carbon dioxide
Scientists from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in South Korea have developed a system that can produce electricity and hydrogen fuel from carbon dioxide. The Hybrid Na-CO2 system can continuously produce electrical energy and hydrogen through efficient ..
Cloud seeding project of IIT Kanpur approved by Union Government to induce artificial rain to clear Delhi air
The Union Ministry of Environment has recently approved a project led by scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur to induce artificial rain via cloud seeding to clear smog in Delhi. The Cloud seeding project will have an ..