Bills and Acts

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill

The AMASR Act was initially passed in 1958 for the purpose of preserving archaeological and historical monuments and sites, regulating excavations, and protecting sculptures, carvings and other objects. It prohibits construction activities in an area of 100 meters around protected ..



Competition (Amendment) Bill

The Competition Act aims to promote healthy competition in India. The main intention of the act is to avoid monopoly. Take Facebook for instance. Some economists are of the opinion that Facebook exhibits a monopoly. Meaning, it wants to rule ..



Police and Crime Bill: Why are people protesting in UK?

In the United Kingdom, thousands are protesting against the new legislation introduced in the British Parliament. The new legislation is called the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, 2021. The protests against the bill have been named as “Kill the ..


Parliament passes ‘National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bill’

Parliament passed “National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bill, 2021” (NBFID Bill) after Rajya Sabha approves it on March 25, 2021. Bill was passed in Lok Sabha on March 24, 2021. NBFID Bill The bill seeks to establish a ..


Krishi Upad Mandi (Amendment) Bill 2020: Key Facts

Chhattisgarh Assembly passed an amendment Bill to invalidate the Centre’s recently-notified agriculture legislations in one day session. The Assembly passed the Chhattisgarh Krishi Upad Mandi (Amendment) Bill 2020. It gives strength to the state government to control all agricultural produce ..


Gujarat Disturbed Area Act (Amendment) bill, 2020: Key Facts

On October 12, 2020, the president Ramnath kovind assented the Gujarat Distributed Area act (Amendment) Bill 2019. The amendment will prohibit transfer of assets that is the immovable property in disturbed areas. Also, it will protect the tenants from vacating ..


GoI to revamp Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has framed a Food Safety and Standards (Amendment) Bill, 2020. The bill introduces 70 amendments in the FSSAI act, 2006. It intends to revamp the functioning and jurisdiction of the FSSAI. Key Features ..


Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020

The Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 was recently passed in Lok Sabha. The bill aims to regulate, operate and plan major ports in India. It seeks to provide greater autonomy to ports in the country. It will replace Major Ports ..
