
National Financial Reporting Authority – Update (March, 2022)

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved the appointment of former finance secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey as the chairperson of the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA). About NFRA National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is a statutory body, established ..



Rajiv Mehrishi elected as external auditor of WHO

Rajiv Mehrishi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of Indiam has been elected as external auditor of the World Health Organization (WHO) for four years from 2020 to 2023. He was elected at the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva ..

Cabinet Approves the Creation of Sixth Deputy CAG Post

The Union Cabinet has given its approval to create one post of Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General by abolishing one STS (Standard and Testing Staff) level post in the Office of the Comptroller Auditor General of India. Related Information The ..

Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS)

Indian Accounting Standard (abbreviated as Ind-AS) is the Accounting standard adopted by companies in India and issued under the supervision of Accounting Standards Board (ASB) which was constituted as a body in the year 1977. ASB is a committee under Institute of Chartered Accountants of ..

42nd Civil Accounts Day (CAD-2018) celebrated on 1 March

The 42nd Civil Accounts Day (CAD-2018) was celebrated by Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) on March 1 in New Delhi to mark the 42nd anniversary of the beginning of the ICAS on this day in 1976. The ICAA is one ..

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) signs MoU with Nepal on mutual co-operation

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has recently signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN) to establish mutual co-operation for the advancement of accounting knowledge, professional and intellectual development, advancing ..

SEBI to make it mandatory for top 500 listed companies to provide e-voting

With Market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) decision to make it mandatory for the top 500 listed companies to provide e-voting, it will be easier for shareholders to participate in key decisions without being physically present at ..


CAG appointed as External Auditor of IAEA & WIPO

The CAG of India appointed as EXTERNAL AUDITOR of two major UN organizations:- The Vienna based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) The Geneva based World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) This for the first time that a supreme audit institution from ..
