Quiz 974: GK Questions for RBI Direct Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for RBI Direct Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which among the following scientists is known for laws of planetary motion?
Who among the following entered into a triple alliance against Haider Ali immediately before the first Anglo-Mysore war of 1767-69?
  1. The English
  2. Nizam of Hyderabad
  3. The Marathas
  4. Raja of Travancore
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following statements regarding the Capital Inflows: 
  1. Current Account flows are permanent while Capital Account Flows are reversible 
  2. Current Account flows arise out of transactions in services while Capital account inflows arise out of transactions in goods. 
  3. The Government needs to keep a close eye on the Capital Account flows because they may get reversed. 
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
Consider the following:
  1. To combat deforestation and soil erosion
  2. To provide better food security to the world
  3. To conserve the Bio-diversity
The use of Bio-fuels would help in which among the above issues?
Work done is defined as the dot product of which of the following vectors?
EDVAC was one of the earliest electronic computers. What is its full form?
Which of the following projects supplies electricity to the Rourkela Steel Plant in Odisha?
Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by which of the following?
Which among the following States depends primarily on thermal power?

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