UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) 2021

In 2021, the United Nations is celebrating its sixth United Nations Global Road Safety Week between 17th May, 2021 and 23rd May, 2021. This year, in 2021, the Global Road Safety Week is celebrated under the following theme:

Theme: Streets for Life

The tagline of the theme if #Love30.

About the Week

  • It is a biennial global road safety campaign hosted by the World Health Organisation.
  • The first Global Road Safety Week was celebrated in 2007.
  • The week is celebrated to create awareness of road safety and reduce road deaths.

Global Plan on Road Safety launched

As a part of 2021 Global Road Safety Week, the Decade Plan of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 was launched by the United Nations. It is a global plan on road safety. The plan is in line with the Stockholm Declaration. The plan calls for improving laws, designing rods and vehicles and law enforcement on behavioural risks such as alcohol, speeding and driving.

Global Goals

The 2021 Global Road safety celebrations say that in order to make cities safe and healthy, a speed limit of 30 kilometre per hour should be facilitated. This will help attain a number of Sustainable Development Goals.

How? For instance, the minority communities and the disadvantaged people are more exposed to the high-speed traffic and accidents.

Road Safety in India

India ranks first in terms of number of road accidents. It accounts to only 1% of vehicles in the world. However, 11% of road accidents happens in India. The major reasons for high number of accidents in the country are road environment, human error, post accidental care-related issues and vehicular conditions.


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